Read, write, and learn faster with AI

One click away from your personalized ChatGPT browser extension

Powered by Google and OpenAI's GPT

Reliable & Transparent

We combined the power of fast Information Retrieval and GPT models to provide fact-checked and up-to-date information with links to relevant resources.

Get ready for a browsing revolution


Unlike ChatGPT, Sentelo is available 24/7 and can deal with heavy load

Accessible & fast

Whether you use Docs, Overleaf, Pdf, or any website, Sentelo is always one click away


Select your favorite functions from Sentelo's prompt repository*

(coming soon)


Boost your creativity

Stuck on what to write next? Use the complete function to give you an additional idea trigger.

Put your ideas into words using Sentelo's elaborate function.

Understand & learn

Create control questions to check your understanding of the topics.

Don't read the same page 5th time in a row! Use the Explain to a Child function to get an intuition about what the author is trying to say.

Compress chapters

Generate a simple or bulleted-point summary from an entire chapter for your notes.

Would you like to see a real-world example of a certain topic? Simply use the Give an Example function to further your knowledge.

Your Ultimate AI Learning Copilot

Begin using Sentelo today without cost and discover the potential of having its writing and summarizing capabilities at your disposal.